My apologies for not keeping up on the blog. Sometimes real life takes precedence over virtual life! :-) Because I have been neglectful, there is a lot of catching up to do!

Through the new year, I will be having a 50% off sale at both myHeritage Scrap shop and my Faith Sisters shop. Happy shopping and scrapping! Now for my recent kits:
Winter Song is found here (FS) and here (HS) and was designed for the December 2010 My Sweet Song Challenge - The Perfect Gift at Faith Sisters. The kit is filled with both musical and wintery, snowy elements and backgrounds with a touch of glitter in near neutral tones. Here are some of my layouts created with this:
This is my wonderful Hubby and me on our wedding day, almost 12 years ago. The lyrics are from the hymn we chose for congregational singing during our wedding.
This layout features a picture of my brother and I with our Daddy during the winter of 1968. My brother was a year old and this was his first snow! I should also mention that the ad above was created with this kit too.
Winter Wilderness is Heritage Scrap's December Designer Collaboration kit and there are some really beautiful kits. You can see my portion above. I had so much fun making that plaid background that by the time I was done, I wanted to have a blouse made out of it! :-) Winter Wilderness is designed to work with all your outdoor winter activities as well as your indoor get togethers. I surely miss living where I could walk out in the woods in the snow!
In the past I have put some word art and title pieces in with kits but this is my first actual word art package. It was really fun to create and is designed to help you journal and document your family traditions and your love of family and home. You can find it at both Faith Sisters and Heritage Scrap.
This layout uses a title from the word art package and also my Holiday Baking kit which I released last November at Heritage Scrap and just loaded into my store at Faith Sisters. It's fun for all your holiday baking and would work well for cookbooks, recipe cards and kitchen gifts.
More updates coming soon!