Did you stay up until Midnight to bring in the New Year? I talked my Hubby into staying up with me last night - usually he is bah humbug about it! Being the little nerds that we are, I was on my lap top and he was on his, but we enjoyed the night together working on our computers and sharing a late lasagna dinner after the kids were in bed.
Did you make resolutions? When I was a teenager I spent all evening working on a LONG list of things to work on over the next year. As the years pass and are filled with more important things that I ever wrote on those lists, my list grows shorter. I'm learning to lay perfectionism aside. I'll never get there and it just drives me crazy trying. That doesn't mean that I don't strive for excellence, but I will leave perfect up to God.
So my list is more like categories to work on in 2009.
1. I want to get below a certain number in my weight and I have made an extremely reasonable goal.
2. I want to eliminate clutter in my life.
3. Most importantly, I want to work on being more real in my relationship with God and growing closer to Him, focusing on some specific areas.
4. I want to learn more in digital scrapbooking and design, as well as photography.
Today I am starting off on the right foot. I am sorting through all the clutter in my bedroom. Since there are five of us in 940 square feet, my crafting area has moved all over the house in different areas. As the children grow older, my areas get smaller. I used to drool over pictures of lovely scrap rooms posted in the gallery at 2 Peas, but I am no longer discontent. I am thankful for the littel space that He has given me and I'm learning to make the most of what we've got. One blessing is that we have quite a large master bedroom, so we are also able to use it as an office area. We are still compact and it's not the romantic bedroom I'd like to have, but it works for us.
This morning I started with loading up the shelves we installed earlier in the week with my clear shoebox size plastic boxes that contain my different supplies for scrapbooking and stamping. Then I moved on to sorting through the paper scrapbooking papers. I am moving more and more toward digital but will likely still do some projects in paper. Consolidation is the word! After this break, I will start sorting through my 12x12 papers and supplies. Next will be magazines... I've been subscribing to Memory Makers and Creating Keepsakes since 1997! I finally stopped my subscriptions because my focus had changed and so had theirs, though I occasionally buy a newstand issue.
Can I tell you a secret? Organizing and cleaning craft supplies, while overwhelming at times, is kind of fun! lol I get to look at everything and say, "Oooh pretty!" or "Oh, I forgot about that!" :o)
So, in January, I thought I would talk about organizing and if anyone is here reading along with me... please join in the conversation. If you comment and leave your email, I will answer!
Happy 2009!